Antioch, CA
I'd like to apologize to whatever viewers I have left over at this point. I think Sally said it best when she said that I pretty much moved twice. I moved from an apartment to a storage unit and then from a storage unit to my room. I feel like I literally lost a whole 2 months of my life. Part way through that second move, school started. I'm not sure how it happened but my life got full. So I just have to say sorry. On Mondays and Wednesdays for the next 3 months, the pictures are going to suck. You will get mundane shots like this. I will try harder to make Saturday and Friday shots as good as I can to make up for the crap on Monday and Wednesday. Those other days are just a crap shoot as to whether or not they will be good or bad. Sorry. I will try to calm my life down in the next several weeks so that this is a better photo realm.
This is post 451.
I recently discovered that I have too many clothes or not enough hangers. I either need less clothing or more hangers. Today I decided to go with more hangers.