Antioch, CA
This is my Puppy from my childhood. He went with me to every surgery, hospitalization, and doctor's appointment I ever had. My mother sewed his ears and tail several times before eventually she gave up. I wouldn't get a shot unless Puppy was getting a shot as well - so Puppy has gotten poked by nearly as many as needles as I have. Great companion.
Conversations with my body in the first trimester of pregnancy
1. Body/morning sickness: Hey.
Katie: Oh, no.
B: HEY! Heeeyyyy, are we at Stake Conference? (a church meeting- this was
at a Saturday evening session)
1 year ago
i had multiple dolls/stuffed animals... so i don't really have a connection to any one of them, but i wish i did. One object that seems as though it has its own personality and spirit. One where you have such a history with it that you know just by seeing it that there's someone who understands every thought, feeling, and experience you've ever had.