Monday, February 2, 2009

25 random things

This list has been floating around Facebook for sometime and is now starting to show up on blogs. I tend to avoid list chain mailings, but I’m willing to do this one and then be done. I’ll add this one to the other shorter one I did in 2007. That will be 32 random things about me.

  1. I took Tap Dancing for 4 years.
  2. I took Piano lessons for 2 years.
  3. I haven’t shot a weapon since I was 14 but my favorite weapon that I’ve shot was a German Luger Pistol.
  4. I have had 41 roommates/housemates/flat mates not including missionary or family experiences.
  5. I’ve had four tumors.
  6. I hate flying. If I can’t get there in my truck I don’t see the point in going.
  7. I caught a foul ball at a baseball game in Oakland in 2008.
  8. I started a wheelchair basketball program at my University in Idaho that is now an official school sport. I also helped design the wheelchairs that are currently used.
  9. I have long since thought I would end up as an amputee in this life and state that as the reason I’ve never learned to drive a manual transmission.
  10. I often narrate my own life in my head.
  11. I am a news junkie and a random trivia seeker.
  12. The best birthday gift I ever received from a non-family member was a USA Today Snapshots daily desk calendar. I learned so much that year.
  13. I hate grocery shopping.
  14. I owned and operated three business – all started accidentally (“Bob and Fred Poetic Association,” “The Garden Club,” and “John and Sean Technical.” The first two were very successful. The third not so much.)
  15. My father has taught me most of what I know about irrigation, construction and working.
  16. I tend to date girls for either a really long time or a relative short time. I have three ex-girlfriends that I dated for at least 14 months and some two years. I have a plethora of girls I dated for less than a month. I can only think of one girl I dated for more than one month and less than six. We should have gone longer but I broke up with her for stupid reasons.
  17. I am allergic to bees, beer, wasps, wine, hornets and morphine.
  18. I love going to Laundromats to do my laundry.
  19. My favorite song is “Abide with me tis eventide.”
  20. I favorite books are “Snowmen at night,” “Charlie’s Monument,” “The Book of Mormon,” and “the five people you meet in heaven.” I have several other books I enjoy, but I can read these four books over and over again.
  21. Most of my psych and sociology friends would say that I am best described as a functionalist.
  22. I’m horrible at studying effectively.
  23. I am not really a competitive person and I don’t usually seek out competition. The only times I’m competitive is when playing wheelchair basketball or when around John.
  24. I struggle to make friends. This is due in part to my desire to have structured social activities. I crave structure so much that hanging out playing video games has no appeal to me.
  25. I love able-bodied baseball and football. I love wheelchair basketball. I can’t stand to watch the opposite of those.
(Though TIME says this is a waste of time)

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