Monday, February 4, 2008

Memoirs of a Gym Member - The Beginning

In what I hope will be a lengthy series, I introduce to you tonight "Memoirs of a Gym Member." In an effort to be more like Mike (though not gay) and more like Liz (though not a woman) and more than anything because I'm tired of looking pregnant - I joined a gym. It turns out that as a County employee, I get a 65% discount and I don't have to pay any initiation fee or activation fee or any other fees. I just get to go for an incredibly low price.

I joined on the 22 of January. I went on the 22 and did 10 minutes in the hot tub, 12 minutes in the pool and 10 more minutes in the hot tub. I swam approximately 150 yards or 6 laps.

The next time I went (Thursday the 31st) I swam for 20 minutes and I swam 300 yards (or 12 laps) before going to the hot tub for ten minutes. So far I haven't been very impressed with my performance, but I'm learning. I'm learning to stretch first because it hurts less later. I'm learning to eat dinner after a good swim, not before. I'm learning to walk to the gym because parking sucks. I'm learning to use the hot tub after and not before.

I learned all of this and came to the gym tonight. I stretched, I swam, I walked there and I didn't eat until I got home. I swam 600 yards (24 laps) almost continuously (I stopped every 8 laps to rest). In total I swam for 22 minutes and went to the hot tub for 8 minutes.

So for my next paycheck I'm pricing out fins and new swim shorts. I'm really excited that this is going so well. I know the hard tasks are still ahead (In a week I'll start doing crunches to start to do something about this baby inside me.) but it's a good start. Maybe in 18 months I'll be healthy enough to run a half marathon.


  1. that's awesome that you go swimming. We gave up our gym membership because it was too inconvenient- i would have loved it if we could have walked there!

    i hope to get some free weights etc. for home, but we'll see.

  2. Congrats on joining a gym. I just joined up with my job's annual wellness challenge. I hope to lose about five pounds and add some more muscle. That Men's Health workout I began last week is now committed to memory, so I don't have to look like a tool carrying around the pull-out from the magazine.

    Remember: Swimming and cardio is great, but weight training is even better!

  3. weight training involves sweating in front of hot girls that are better at the weight training than I am. I think I'll stay in the pool and be the fatty iceberg.

  4. lol that's funny- i guess i never realized that going to the gym brings out those kinds of thoughts in boys too.
