Saturday, December 6, 2008

with the boys

(I was kid sitting the boys tonight. M is 9 and E is 6)

(While teaching them how to use the Sirius)
M - Sean go back.
Me - You like Classic rock? Your dad would be so happy to know that.
M - Classic rock? No - this is a song off of Guitar Hero. I can do hard on this song.
E - M, I can only do easy.
(They spent the rest of the song saying the colors that go with the notes - totally oblivious to the fact that it was a classic rock song first.)

(While at the pet food store)
M - (Holding up a mint bone) We should get this for Zoe [the dog]. It freshens her breath.
E - Is there something for her other end?

Me - M, how much do you weigh? (while getting a bag of rabbit food)
M - 68 pounds.
Me - Well I think I should carry that then - it weighs as much as a third as you.
M - No wonder the bunnies are getting so fat.

(While at McDonald's)
M - I think they gave us a broken toy. (referring to E's happy meal)
E - I really only come here for the food anyway, so it's okay.

(Back in the truck)
E - Sean is that the time (on the radio display)?
Me - Yes.
E - It's six twenty nine.
Me - Yes E it is.
E - One day I woke up and I could read, well not really read. I can only read time. Books are harder, but I can read time.

(While "If I were a boy" was playing on the Sirius)
M - At D's concert last week (older sister), there was this boy who was singing "If I was a girl." And he's gay.
E - M, Are there women gays?
M - Yes they are called lesbians.
E - Are there gay men?
M - Yes they are called gay.
E - M, what are you if you are a boy and a girl?
M - You're a Goy.
E - Hmm. A boy and a girl is a Goy. What is a lizard and a boat called?

M - I was a lesbian once.
Me - Really M? When was that?
M - I was in third grade and we were playing Mouse Trap. As I started to win, I said "Sweet! I'm winning and I'm a lesbian!"
Me - How did that go over?
M - Everyone in class thought it was funny but the adults weren't laughing. I'm not sure why.

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