As many of you know, last night was the last night Barry Bonds will ever play for a Giants uniform. Good riddance. In true Barry fashion, he left the game, got in his car and left. He didn't talk to his fans (which it's hard to believe he has any as obnoxious as he has been in the past to them), he didn't talk to the media. He didn't do anything except leave.
And I couldn't have been happier.
If Barry had done one single nice thing before he departed it would have made everyone second guess them selves. If Barry had stuck around to sign autographs one last time, the fans might have thought he cared. If Barry would have stuck around with his team until the end of the game, it would have almost seemed like he was a team player. If Barry would have talked to the media and announced some huge ticket program where he would buy tickets for at-risk kids for the next 5 years using the money he made this season, it would almost make the owners of the team think he's not greedy and had a plan.
If any of these people would have reconsidered for a second the departure of Barry, we might just have to suffer through another year of a horrible ball player. But he didn't. Barry left the game the same way he played it...only thinking of himself. And I'm so happy. Now we can focus on real baseball players again and maybe, just maybe, by the time I have sons and daughter, we will have respectable players again who like the game, like their teams and like their communities.
Good Bye Barry Bonds. I'll try to miss you, but I doubt I will.
Christmas/New Year's/Groundhog Day/Valentine's Greetings
Cindy & Russ in 2024
Russ says his year was the same as always - working for Intel, and worrying
about being laid off again. Thankfully he wasn't laid of...
6 days ago
i think i miss the navy background...