So for 6 months now I've wanted to go photograph this new playground in Brentwood. But until just recently there was a big fence around it while they worked out some plumbing issues. It opened last month and so I went today at lunch to go photograph it. When I got there there were 2 classrooms of kids eating lunch. So to not be the weird guy taking pictures of the playground with children around, I left and went to another park to take pictures (because, gosh darn it, I was going to photograph some playground equipment today). I photographed at the other playground (The Caboose Playground). Then after work, I happened to be driving past the first park and saw it empty. I ended up taking about 20 shots and 15 were PAD quality. So I'm posting this one, from the after work play ground. And on BTC I'm publishing two others - one from the first playground and the other from the caboose playground. I don't want to publish too many on the off chance I'm in a PAD pinch sometime and need a shot - I'll keep this location in the back of my head and post other cool shots some other time.
I vote the flower from BTC as my favorite, very Pop Art.